Friday, November 8, 2019

Winter Braided Yoke - Yoke Done!

Last week I received a message on Ravelry from someone interested in buying my Knit One, Crochet Too Meadow Silk yarn.  In order to determine if I was willing to sell I looked it up in my stash and noted that I had it ear-marked for a pattern, which I also looked up on Ravelry.  Next, I pulled the yarn out of the box it was stashed in and started hunting for the pattern, which I did finally find, and decided to cast on, and informed the person who had inquired that the yarn was not for sale.  I cakedup a skein and knit a quick swatch, getting gauge right off.  I finished the braided yoke today and started working on the body.

Pattern:  Winter Braided Yoke by Hélène Rush
Yarn:  Knit One, Crochet Too Meadow Silk
Needle:  US 7 (4.5 mm)


  1. Can anyone tell me how I can get the pattern for Winter

    Braided Pullover?
