Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tools of the Trade - Namaste Hermosa Knitting Bag

I have been searching for a bag to haul all of my stuff for quite a while now. I wanted a bag that could hold everything that I routinely like to carry: a knitting project, my wallet, my iPod Touch, cell phone, Dell mini, Kindle, a water bottle, plus your typical accessories of life. In my search for the perfect bag I have accumulated a bit of a collection, but when I saw the Namaste Hermosa knitting bag I thought that I had found the perfect bag for me. First of all, it comes in purple. My favorite color. Purple makes anything better. Want to get me to knit a pattern? Make the model in purple. Anyway, back to the bag. On one side it has this cool two pocket pouch thing. I keep my pens and chewing gum in the larger pouch, and my Leatherman Tool (it has scissors) in the other.

On the other side there is a large pocket, presumably for your pattern, but I slip my Kindle in it instead. I don't like leaving home without knitting and my Kindle, that way I always have something to do. There are also pockets on the ends. On one end is a pocket with a locking flap that I stashed a pencil holder in, but I rarely access it. On the other end is a pocket for a water bottle - an absolute requirement for me.

The inside is mostly just one large open space, but it does have some small pockets on the sides. On the side opposite the Kindle is a largish pocket that I keep a set of crochet hooks (for picking up dropped stitches or fixing mistakes) and my business cards in. On the other side are two pockets that hold my cell phone and iPod Touch. My wallet stands on its end on one side, and a little leather bag that I keep a few incidentals (drugs, Carmex, band-aids) in on the other. A knitting project in a separate bag (often I use large zip locks, in this case the yarn came in a large plastic bag) occupies the bulk of the interior. I tuck my Dell mini and my knitting pattern in on the Kindle side of the bag.

The bag is made out of some kind of fake leather that feels better than the real thing and seems to hold up to wear very well. The straps are long enough to put over my shoulder, but not so long that I can't just carry it in my hand.

My only association with Namaste is as a satisfied customer.

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