Sunday, October 8, 2023

Mackintosh Socks - One Foot Done!

I finished up the foot of my right sock last night.  There is an error in the pattern on the heel turn, as it states to “Continue in this manner, decreasing the number of stitches worked before the M1 on each row until you p8 (12) M1p,” but on the purl rows you’re working an odd number of stitches, and you have to go until you p7 (11) if you want to get the required stitch count of 30 stitches between the markers.  Initially I was working wraps on my turns, and when I started working the last rows where you work the wraps I tried an experiment where I worked the wrap with the next stitch, instead of the stitch that it wraps, which often looks messy on the wrong side.  I did like the look better on the wrong side, but then I had that last wrapped stitch before the marker and I couldn’t figure out what to do with that one.  So I ripped back to the start of the heel turn and did German Short Rows instead.  I found the double stitches easier to see than the wraps and they work in beautifully.  I also did lifted increases for all of my make ones, working them on the stitch before the stitch that I turned on.
I have been neglecting some of my other projects, apparently socks can make me an (almost) monogamous knitter.  I have a nice little collection of hand knit socks, and for a while a vanilla self-striping sock project was my work project, but I haven’t been wearing them much, until lately.  I like having colorful, unusual socks to wear, and it is getting harder to find what are now called novelty socks that aren’t mostly synthetic fibers, and I really don’t like wearing synthetic fibers (they irritate my skin), so I have been wearing more of my hand knit socks.  I had forgotten how comfortable they are.  I see a lot more socks in my future, which is good, because I have a lot of sock yarn, and a lot of sock patterns (there was a time when I was joining a lot of sock clubs).

Pattern:  Mackintosh Socks by Janel Laidman
Yarn:  Alisha Goes Around Tracks of Bison Fingering
Needle:  US 1.5 (2.5 mm)


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