Saturday, May 23, 2015

Galadriel's Mirror - Chart 4 Done

I came home from work on Tuesday with a sore throat, and ended up staying home from work the rest of the week.  We had gone to Amy's graduation (she is Bruce's daughter and was graduating from Medical School) this past Sunday.  She was sick (having gotten it from her boyfriend), and obviously passed it on to me, and who knows how many others - you would think a freshly minted doctor would know better.  I didn't get a whole lot of knitting done while home sick, but did manage to finish chart 4.  I should be working on a test knit, but don't really have the brain power for it right now.  Mostly I napped and watched Turner Classic Movies.  Jimmy Stewart movies on Wednesday, Doris Day movies on Thursday and Laurence Olivier movies on Friday.  At least if I had to be home sick there were good movies to watch.  Bruce was on travel from Tuesday through Thursday and I was really hoping that I would be better when he got back so I wouldn't pass the bug along to him, but alas, I am still not well, and I think he is coming down with it.  My cat Jasmine definitely enjoyed having me home and we spent a lot of time napping together.  She is not a lap cat but rather a proximity cat (a phrase Amy coined).  She doesn't like to be held, but she does like to cuddle up next to me.

I did add beads to this chart - outlining the large leaf in the center of the chart.

Project:  Galadriel's Mirror by Susan Pandorf (from The Fellowship of the Ring Series)
Yarn:  The Unique Sheep Tinsel Toes in Silverlode
Needle:  US 4 (3.5 mm)

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