Sunday, August 18, 2024

Canby Cardi - Raglan Shaping Finished!

After a number of false starts I am finally making real progress on the Canby Cardi.  I did make several tweaks to the pattern.  I did not use the backward loop cast on, instead I did lifted increases, even when the pattern called for multiple increases, and I only did increases on the right side.  For the increases I would k1, LL1, work across to the last stitches and work RL1, k1.  When I had to work more than one increase I just repeated the pattern, starting it however many stitches early I needed to.  I think it makes the increases look much more organic.  I am also not slipping the first stitch.

Pattern:  Canby Cardi by Robin Melanson
Yarn:  Knitting for Olive Heavy Merino and Soft Silk Mohair
Needle:  US 8 (5.0 mm)

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